generating attention with YouTube advertising
Marketeers often wonder how exactly advertising with long form content on YouTube works. “I have a 6-minute video, can I advertise with it?” No problem! “But what about a 10-minute, 15-minute, or even longer video?” No worries! In fact, the right targeting can ensure that your audience will stick around for minutes. By serving the video only to the people who really want to see your video content, you generate quality watch time and attention for your brand. So how do you do that? The answer is data! By researching the behavior of your target audience in the Google Ecosystem, you get specific targeting with minimal waste!

- Video duration: 23:04 minutes
- On average, people watch this video for 34% of the time
- Each view is watched for an average of 7 minutes and 54 seconds
Familie bouwt spectaculaire boomhut in de tuin | Ik kan het | GAMMA
The second example is a unique video, which you might not immediately expect as an “advertisement”: a Tree House DIY. Recently honored with an international Webby Award. This was a Slow TV video series in a timelapse, created especially for YouTube. By taking into account the laws of the YouTube algorithm and responding to the viewing behavior of the target audience, we managed to captivate the viewer for minutes. Below is the result!
- Video duration: 11:31 minutes
- On average, 41% of the viewers watch this video
- Each view is watched for an average of 4 minutes and 42 seconds
Fileparkeren achteruit tussen twee auto’s – Bijzondere Verrichtingen | ANWB Rijopleiding
The third video is an informative video about traffic jam parking, lasting 8 minutes and 23 seconds. In this video, an ANWB driving instructor provides tips and explains in steps how to reverse into a traffic jam. By conducting extensive data-driven target group research in advance, we mapped out exactly who would most likely be interested in this video. With awesome results!
- Video length: 8:23 minutes
- On average, 67% of people watch this video.
- Each view is watched for an average of 5 minutes and 39 seconds
with what kind of content do I advertise on YouTube?
The answer is simple, any kind of content! It can be series, or standalone videos. Information or entertainment. Again, of course, the disclaimer is that it is the content that triggers the viewer, not the length of the video.
Below are some examples of quality videos on YouTube where this is not (yet) quite right, but in fact there are huge opportunities.
Bax Music
This video about an electric bass guitar has around 360 views. However, every month thousands of people search for bass guitar information, reviews and comparisons. Why not advertise these on YouTube among this target audience?
This How-To video on connecting a ceiling fan has around 149 views. There are an awful lot of people looking for information regarding ceiling fans and how to connect them. Thousands!
Autodoc’s video has just over 1000 views in five months. While there are already over 1000 people searching for information on the ignition coil and how to replace it each month alone (source: similarweb, May 2022). A missed opportunity!
In addition to informative videos, the KNVB’s “Extra Tijd” series is a good example of entertainment content that deserves more views.
KNVB – serie Extra Tijd ⏱️
A wonderful series. Entertainment, that doesn’t get enough views. This deserves more attention among soccer fans.
The above informative and entertaining content should be seen. Not everyone who is looking for the relevant information actually ends up at your video. Instead, they end up on your competitor’s website or content. By advertising your video, you ensure that these potential consumers still find your content. After all, your video has already been made, what are you waiting for?!
what does it cost to advertise on YouTube?
What does advertising on YouTube actually cost? Good question! At YouTube Agency Team5pm, we found the answer. To generate one hour of attention for a long-form video, it costs an average of 49 cents! What about a ‘normal’ YouTube ad of about 30 seconds? If you want to generate one hour of attention with such a 30-second YouTube Ad, it will cost you an average of €7.20. This is based on a CPV (cost per view) of €0.03 and a VTR (view-through-rate) of 50%. A CPH (cost per hour) of less than €0.50 is obviously a great price for YouTube viewers, who are actively engaged with the brand.
Does it compare to a fully branded video? No, maybe not. But the viewer sticks around because they find the video interesting. They can also click away and continue with what they were doing. However, because this viewer has been carefully targeted using data, they consciously choose to keep their attention on your content.
master YouTube advertising with your free advertising guide
90% of consumers say they use YouTube to discover new products (Thinkwithgoogle, 2019). So your prospective consumer is ready to be convinced by the right video content. That’s exactly the moment, where you as an advertiser want to be with your video! In our brand new white paper “YouTube for Advertisers” you will receive practical tips and tricks. It’s your free guide to a spot-on advertising strategy on YouTube.
- Get answers to marketers’ most frequently asked advertising questions.
- Discover how to get the maximum ROI from your budget.
- Learn how to use the biggest advertising trends for 2023 to your advantage
Curious? Download the white paper here.

want to discover what a YouTube marketing strategy can do for you?
Born and raised on YouTube, we’ve developed a unique, data-driven approach to create effective videos. As the second-largest global search engine, tapping into YouTube’s full potential requires more than just uploading videos. Our YouTube agency 5pm can efficiently navigate this complex platform, ensuring your marketing investment translates into measurable results. Click here to learn more about anything YouTube related.