#1 With 348 uploaded videos, Christenen voor Israėl has published the most in the last 365 days. Oranje Fonds has published only 61 videos in the given period, but has reached 1.9 million views, which is the most views of all channels. When looking at Oranje Fonds’ views, it is noticeable that about half of the uploaded videos are commercials (less than 60 seconds), most likely pushed by paid advertising. However, most views were generated with long content. The video with the most views (119,000) is about alleviating loneliness and is more than 7 minutes long.

#2 In addition, with 18.719 Engagements, Christenen voor Israel also ranks on spot 1 in terms of engagements. The video with the most engagements was posted in july 2020 and had 857 engagements. Especially long content that lasts over an hour generates the fewest views.This could be improved organically, for example by sequencing in the video description, but also by tags, so that the videos can be found more easily.

#3 Amnesty International and Unicef rank second and third in terms of the most views generated. This is similar to the first spot, because these channels have also uploaded comparatively few videos in the last 365 days. The channels also focus on paid advertisements rather than longer, organically pushed content.

#4 Open doors is a very committed YouTube channel, which has uploaded 164 videos in the last year and thus occupies the 2nd spot of uploaded videos. However, the full potential of YouTube is lost, as the channel is hardly optimized organically (title, description, tags, etc.). The same phenomenon can be observed with Dierenbescherming, which ranks on the 3rd place with 85 uploaded videos, but only occupies the last rank in terms of achieved views in the last 365 days. Here too, with organic optimization, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

#5 In general, it can be said that charity organizations should make even more use of youtube’s enormous reach. The potential of all channels has not been sufficiently exploited. Large and well-known organizations in particular, which rank at the bottom in our lists, should take this analysis as a wake-up call, come up with a suitable YouTube strategy and optimize their content. Team5pm can help!





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