YouTube is the platform to reach your audience
With 2.7 billion monthly users, YouTube is after Google the most popular online destination in the world. As mother of YouTube, Google gives video a more prominent place in their search results. Besides, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. This offers great opportunities for brands.
Want to claim a domain, effectively advertize or build an online community? Do you yearn for more views on existing content or you have no clue what your audience wants to see? As YouTube fanatics, we know what works and what doesn’t. Check out our case with bol to see how their YouTube content got crazy amounts of watch time.

Data drives us to use YouTube differently
Content is all around us. Every minute, hundreds of hours of watch time is uploaded to YouTube. As a brand, how do you stand out amidst the crowd? How do you attract attention from the right target audience? The answer is: bringing data together with creativity!
We offer a unique tooling mix, with our in-house developed video SEO technology topictree as leading force. Topictree continuously analyzes view and search behavior data from platforms, such as YouTube and Google. We thus gather real life data about what your audience loves to watch – and we can directly respond to changes. With the right creative twist, we make effective YouTube content that gets results.
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Together with Bol, we took product reviews to the next level. By combining help content and entertainment, 'Sterren Reviews' kept viewers hooked for six minutes straight.
Dominating Google, YouTube, and TikTok with #1 rankings? We did it with the 'HEMA Helps' series. Truly a cross-platform SEO triumph, boosting online visibility with data.
Turning your online community into Prime Video subscribers? A combination of data, content creation, and smart social distribution of the Prime Original 'Van A naar Onbekend' did the trick.
Transitioning from offline to online? Do it like Beter Bed, and create real impact with data-driven YouTube ads. Data research, spot-on targeting, a media plan, and clear follow-up studies boosted their brand preference.
The perks of personalized ads? Having millions of viewers watch your ad, even though they could skip it. This is what we call quality attention through YouTube ads. Find out how we did it for the Volkswagen ID.4.
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91% of GAMMA’s home DIYs rank in the top 3 in Google and YouTube. By choosing exactly the right video topics, the target audience watched GAMMA’s content for hours.